MG small pipe reeds for small pipe chanters in the key of A. These cane reeds have a very crisp, bright and clear tone. Hand crafted from the finest selected cane grown in the Var region of France.
Please Note : These are Small pipe reedsĀ NOTĀ Border pipe reeds and will not function in the conical bore of a Border chanter.
Must NOT be allowed to come in contact with moisture.If used in mouth blown pipes adequate moisture control MUST be usedĀ to eliminate moisture from reaching the reed.Failure to do so will collapse, warp or crack the reed.Small pipe reeds are made from the outside bark of the cane tube and are therefore extremely fragile; any adjustments made to the brass bridle or manipulation of the reed should be done with great care in order to avoid cracking the blades.Do NotĀ test by blowing the reed in the mouth
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